erica. With regards to the You.S. Census, new proportion away from in order to 52 per cent last year. The very first time actually ever, unmarried adult feminine outnumber hitched adult ladies in this new You.S.
Rebecca Traister claims the new ong mature ladies are quicker concerning establishment out-of wedding and more in regards to the available choices to women now.
“The possibility to not get married is not always an aware getting rejected out of matrimony,” Traister tells Fresh Air’s Terry Terrible. “It’s [about] the capability to real time singly if an interesting relationships option will not show up.”
In her the publication, The Single Ladies, Traister draws for the historic search, interview with about 100 women and her individual feel to look at how delaying otherwise abstaining of relationship influences ladies lives. “Unmarried Because of the Choices: Why A lot fewer Western Women are Married Than before”の続きを読む