Sugar Addiction and the Relation to Alcoholism

We are a center in the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology . This year, though, I’ve been much more aware of how much I’m drinking, and what I’m drinking, simply because I don’t want to slip back into my habit of weekend alcoholics crave sugar binges just for the sake of it. Last year, after a couple of weeks, I was back to my old ways without thinking much about my sober experience. However, addiction research has shown there could be deeper biological link than that.

That’s why treatment centers like Silver Maple Recovery offer trauma-informed care and cognitive behavioral therapy. Addressing the underlying cause of your behavior can help you overcome a transfer addiction. You expected discomfort and intense cravings when you quit alcohol, but not this. This type of craving is new, and you can’t get it out of your head.

Worst Eating Habits Causing Inflammation and Aging You Faster

She recently opened up about her sobriety in a tweet sharing a family picture from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Teigen, her husband, John Legend, and their two children were in Washington, DC for Legend’s presidential inauguration celebration performance. Dulan lists hard-boiled eggs, avocado toast, protein balls, and almonds as a few of her favorite “cravings busters.” Frozen grapes, which she says “taste like a mini sorbet,” are another good option. You can do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself in early sobriety. At Ria, we offer weekly meetings with certified counselors to help members stay on track and build skills for long-term change.

alcoholics crave sugar

This can make it harder for your body to heal the damage caused by your drinking. There is also evidence to suggest that higher consumption of added sugar will make it more difficult to keep alcohol cravings in check. Replacing alcohol with sugar is common—in fact, one studysuggests up to 40 percent of people who stop drinking increase their sugar intake in the days after quitting. Some research indicates that methamphetamine use can reduce blood glucose levels³, driving people toward sugary foods or drinks. In addition, the appetite suppressing properties of stimulants make eating nutritious foods less likely. Some people in recovery use high sugar foods as a survival strategy to get sufficient calories when other foods are unpalatable. Why are sugar cravings so common in people recovering from a substance use disorder?

The Alcohol-Sugar Addiction Link

In addition, there appears to be cross sensitization between sugar addiction and narcotic dependence in some individuals. In the last two decades research has noted that specific genes may underlie the sweet preference in alcohol- and drug-dependent individuals, as well as in biological children of paternal alcoholics. There also appears to be some common genetic markers between alcohol dependence, bulimia, and obesity, such as the A1 allele gene and the dopamine 2 receptor gene. Sugar affects the brain’s neural pathways, and weight gain affects the individual’s self-esteem and poses a risk to an alcohol relapse. As such, individuals in recovery from alcohol should prioritize their nutrition and pay attention to their sugar intake. Addiction specialists and addiction treatment centers are placing more focus on the nutritional component of recovery. Many addiction professionals have developed a holistic treatment approach that focuses on mind-body connection, paying particular attention to food as part of the treatment process. As a result of regular alcohol drinkers becoming tolerant to sugar from their alcohol intake, it is not uncommon for individuals in recovery from alcohol abuse to experience cravings for sugar. Part of the cravings that individuals new to abstinence from alcohol face are actually sugar cravings, not alcohol cravings.

Why do I have no self control with sweets?

Scientific Evidence: The Addictive Properties of Sugar

Interestingly, the Yale research found people that are easily addicted to food or alcohol also have low levels of the brain chemicals that support inhibition and self-control. These people simply have less control over their consumption.

While it is a myth that alcohol metabolizes into sugar, alcohol does significantly affect blood sugar levels, causing a yo-yo effect. Initially alcohol raises blood sugar levels, but after the body processes the alcohol blood sugar levels drop dramatically. Alcohol increases insulin secretion and prevents the liver from releasing Sober Home glucose, causing heavy drinkers to be susceptible to hypoglycemia. When your blood sugar is low, it’s natural for your body to crave sweets to counteract it. Even if you indulge and give your body sugar to level out, it won’t solve the issue long term. Your blood sugar will drop again, landing you right back where you started.